Runescape name:
Name you would like to be called:
How long have you been playing RS:
My account (which I made, just didn't play on for the longest time) is 2 days shy of 4 years old. Realistically though I've been playing for a couple of months now.
Total level:
Of skills? 713. 55 combat level.
Why do you want to join this clan:
Trying to fit in places that's not centered around LGBT+ is always awkward and frightening for me.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific):
I literally googled "Runescape LGBT clan" and the first result was your clan page on this website. Then I went to "Recruitment: Social & Community Clans" and searched "LGBT"
What timezone are you:
Pacific Standard/Daylight Time
What does LGBT+ stand for?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & plus to represent all the other orientations and genders.