Check us out! The clan chat is open to guests (Elysian Order) as is the Discord (
(Though I should note that we're not a performance show. If you find the chat is quiet, then speak up, start the conversation, ask questions, tell us what you're looking for. There's usually someone on, but we could be busy in pvm at not paying attention to the chat.)
Check us out! The clan chat is open to guests (Elysian Order) as is the Discord (
(Though I should note that we're not a performance show. If you find the chat is quiet, then speak up, start the conversation, ask questions, tell us what you're looking for. There's usually someone on, but we could be busy in pvm at not paying attention to the chat.)
Check us out! The clan chat is open to guests (Elysian Order) as is the Discord (
(Though I should note that we're not a performance show. If you find the chat is quiet, then speak up, start the conversation, ask questions, tell us what you're looking for. There's usually someone on, but we could be busy in pvm at not paying attention to the chat.)