--Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find a list of FAQ's. If you still haven't found the answer you're looking for, please post a reply below and we will update this post.
This post will be updated constantly to ensure all questions are answered.
How do I increase my rank within the clan?
• We have incorporated a 'point system', as you contribute/participate in clan events your rank will increase. This is an activity based system, more information can be found on the clan discord.
How do II get access to the discord server?
• Upon approval of your application, an admin+ will send you an invite to the server, or if one isn't available you can ask a member of the leadership team for an invite.
Is capping mandatory?
• No, capping isn't mandatory however capping does give you a significant 'point' increase to raise your rank within the clan.
How do I progress further then Admin in the clan?
• All rank promotions after Admin are voted in, a little of the criteria that we look for when voting someone are:
• How active are they?
• What have they done during their time in the clan?
• How are they within the community?
• and much more.