Display Name?:Sigard Sixx
Combat & Total Levels?: 132, 2273
What is your timezone?:GMT
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?:Not at the moment
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?: Yes
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?: I'm a returning player looking for a group, never been in a clan before.
What are your expectations of this clan?: Make rs a more sociable experience
How did you hear about our clan?:Seen a post on another thread
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?: Try to be engaging and become an asset to the clan
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like: Started rs in 2001 and played a lot until roughly 2009/10. Lockdown gave me time to get back into it.
What is your Discord username? Sig Sixx#0796
26-Nov-2020 20:44:52