* l|l º Form º l|l º
Display Name?
: Blessed swag
Combat & Total Levels?
: 63 combat 895 total
What is your timezone?
: I live in Altana so eastern?
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?
: Potentially later on down the road. Incredibly busy with studies and other responsibilities atm.
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?
: Yes, Yes, and Yes
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?
: Not gonna lie, as I scrolled through the recruitment thread and saw different clans posting why you should join I found yours to be the most well put together. I also like the fact this is an old clan and that its more of a family vibe.
What are your expectations of this clan?
: Well I'm a fairly new player so I would just like a helpful community and some friends to pvm with later on when I am higher levels
How did you hear about our clan?
: These Forums
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?
: By following the guidelines for attending/planning events as well as doing my best to be involved in the clan in any other possible fashions
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like
: Im pursuing a degree in history education and plan on being a history professor one day.
What is your Discord username? (for example: Matmano9#0001)