Display Name?: ChrisVP96
Combat & Total Levels?: 98 with 1827 total
What is your timezone?: gmt+1
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?: I don't feel like i have the time available for such an opportunity at the moment as i have recently enrolled at university.
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?: Yes i have, and i am ready to follow the rules.
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?: my current clans leadership up and left. So i am looking for a new home. I also like the look of all the activities you seem to have set up, whereas they only ran ED3, which i didn't feel like doing.
What are your expectations of this clan?: I am expecting to learn a lot since i am still new to the game, have only had my account for 2 months, so there is still plenty for me to learn and explore and i hope you guys can help with that.
How did you hear about our clan?: found you on the forum
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?: I like being talkactive (when not afk'ing while doing school work), i will be capping and participating in events which i am capable of contributing to as i don't want to just leech.
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like: I am 24, i was an accountant but quit as the workload kept growing which took up all my time. So i enrolled back at university where i now am studying finance and IT. And now have a better work life balance.
What is your Discord username? (for example: Matmano9#0001): ChrisVP, however i have never used discord before.
11-Sep-2020 08:42:08