Display Name?: Roguerm
Combat & Total Levels?: 138 and 2546/2576
What is your timezone?: PST
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?: Not right now because life is busy but maybe in the future.
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?: Yes
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?: Just looking for a social clan and to participate in the various events. It sounds like fun.
What are your expectations of this clan?: Just a casual and fun social environment.
How did you hear about our clan?: RS forum
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?: Having fun and nice conversations with clanmates. Attending events and capping to contribute to citadel upkeep.
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like: Currently in medical school and using RuneScape to chill out when I'm not studying.
What is your Discord username? Roguerm#7618
13-Oct-2020 04:51:00