Display Name?: watch1piece
Combat & Total Levels?: 75 & 768
What is your timezone?: EST
Are you interested in leadership opportunities?: Yes
Have you read pages 1 and 2, and will you follow our rules?: Yes
Why do you want to join Astral Turtles?: New to RS3 and looking for people to play with.
What are your expectations of this clan?: Socialize
How did you hear about our clan?: Found on forums
How do you plan on being a positive force in this clan?: Having a good time chatting and helping out.
Tell us a bit about yourself if you'd like: Long time OSRS player started playing RS3 almost 2 weeks ago.
What is your Discord username? (for example: Matmano9#0001): npotvvvs#7668
24-Sep-2020 22:20:46