Username: Mrowwy
Name you'd like to be known by: Mrow
Timezone: GMT+8 Singapore
P2P or F2P: P2P
Combat Level: 51
Total Level: 857
Any 99's?: No
What are your future plans in RS: Everything 120/ Enjoying the game
Why are you joining Tranquil Dawn: My bf asked me to
Are you willing to help at the citadel?: Yes, when i have time
Did a member of the clan recruit you?: DestinyOpfa
Have you read and do you understand our clan rules, including our inactivity rank: Yes
Anything else you'd like to share about yourself or would like us to know?: Destiny and I are both males.
27-Sep-2020 16:06:57
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2020 16:07:26