Name you'd like to be known by:Kalose
Timezone: MST (AZ)
P2P or F2P: P2P
Combat Level: 86
Total Level: 1143
Any 99’s?: not yet
What are your future plans in RS?: playing the game again havent played rs3 since Eoc want to see how it is
Why are you joining Tranquil Dawn?: figure i can learn and help others in this clan and possibly make friends in game.
Are you willing to help at the citadel? always just let me know what needs to be capped and ill help
Did a member of the clan recruit you? If so, who?: noone recruited I saw this post.
Have you read and do you understand our clan rules, including our inactivity rule?: yes I plan on playing actively and the rules are pretty straight forward.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself or would like us to know? i play all sorts of games but ive been playing runescape recently alot more than the others so i figured i should join a clan
14-Apr-2021 19:20:20