Username: A Shy Wiki
Name you'd like to be known by: Shy
Timezone: Eastern
P2P or F2P: P2P
Combat Level: Currently only at 51 (I do have a main but starting over to get a fresh experience)
Total Level: 667
Any 99’s?: No not yet
What are your future plans in RS?: Quest Cape - Master Quest Cape then hopefully Max or Comp - Old RS3 player, quit when EOC came - played OSRS - New quests influenced me to come back and try RS3 again so I want to put in more effort in learning EOC
Why are you joining Tranquil Dawn?: Community and to not be lonely while playing on RS3
Are you willing to help at the citadel? - Yes I'm willing to cap
Did a member of the clan recruit you? If so, who?: Nobody - I found through forums
28-Mar-2021 08:29:57