What's your Runescape username?
- Numbrial
What's your name (or what do you prefer to be called in game)?
- Nora
What's your favorite activity on Runescape?
- Pretty much everything I've done so far (which isn't that much YET) I like skilling, slayer stuff, questing and doing clues
What events would you like to see?
- I'm a big fan of anything done with a group of friends, very open with activities.
What's your total level or cb level?
- Total level right now is 1517 and Combat level 86
How did you hear about us?*
- Clan name got me interested, I was just browsing the clan forums and loved the introduction post.
If refered/recruited by someone please provide their username so they will recieve credit. (leave blank if not)*
Have you read and agreed to the Clan Rules?*
(this is a Yes or No question)
- Yes I've read the rules.
Is your online status on?* (so we can invite you to the clan)
- Yes! (Had to google how to turn it on)
16-Jan-2023 04:14:54