What's your Runescape username?* Pwincesszoey
What's your name (or what do you prefer to be called in game)? Zoe
What's your favorite activity on Runescape? Well due my long break, I quit a few years ago, and back then my favorite thing to do was ranging/dungeoneering, I tried bossing but i wasn't very good at it.
What events would you like to see? I'm a rather shy person so I don't really know what to answer here.
What's your total level or cb level? 138 combat, 2486 total level
How did you hear about us?* KaraZor-Elx responded on my LFC post.
If refered/recruited by someone please provide their username so they will recieve credit. (leave blank if not)* KaraZor-Elx
Have you read and agreed to the Clan Rules?* Yes.
Is your online status on?* Yes.
05-May-2021 13:40:45