• What is your RSN? Do you have a preferred name>: Barid Frey. Barid is fine.
• How long have you been playing?: I have been back for a few months. Played back in the OSRS days before on other accounts.
• Have you been in a clan before? If so, how many?: Yes. 1 since I have been back.
• What timezone are you?: EST
• Are you F2P or P2P?: P2P
• Do you have any 99s? 120s?: Not yet, but slowly working there.
• What are your current/future goals in RS?: Mostly to enjoy the game with skilling and quests while trying to be social. Maybe look into PVM when I have more understanding and high skills.
• Citadel work is not mandatory, are you willing to cap?: Sure. I am willing to help cap.
• What would you say is your best quality you bring to the table that meshes with our clan? I am a pretty laid back person and looking to enjoy the game.
Thanks for the consideration.
27-May-2023 15:14:48