• What is your RSN? Do you have a preferred name?:
• How long have you been playing?:
• Have you been in a clan before? If so, how many?:
• What timezone are you?
GMT -3
• Are you F2P or P2P?
F2P while I explore the game a bit more.
• Do you have any 99s? 120s?
No. My highest skills are mining and woodcutting both at 39.
• Are you a PVMer? Skiller? If PVMer which ones?
• What are your current/future goals in RS?
To explore the game further and decide on a big goal to later grind on.
• Citadel work is not mandatory, are you willing to cap?
• What would you say is your best quality that you can bring to the clan?
I like to participate in clan events and be helpful to others, right now i'm a beansprout though, so probably just my good vibes. lol
28-Aug-2023 20:00:19