Current Username: Payyback
Previous Username:
Combat Level:138
Total Skill Level:2702
Total XP:600m
F2p or P2p: p2p
What was your last clan and why did you leave? (Be honest please, PM is also an option for this): Can't rmb, got kicked cuz i was inactive
How you found us: Forum
What your timezone/area is: gmt+530
You've read about what we can offer you, so what can you offer us? being a friendly helpful player
Favourite sport: runescape
What kind of Runescape player are you? (options include Regular/Hardcore Ironman/Ironwoman, PvMer, Skiller, Level 3 Skiller, Casual, Quester, OSAAT, Pure)
How much do you play Runescape: an hour a day maybe
Favourite things to do (online or in real life): going to gym
Is there anything about this clan that you don't agree with? no
___-If so, what is it?
How this clan appeals to you: seems like a friendly active clan
Is there another name you would prefer to be called? no
23-Mar-2019 12:41:26
- Last edited on
23-Mar-2019 12:41:45