Angry Dragon - Admin team - Ranks and roles
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We are proud of the admin team for Angry Dragon, who help daily with all the behind the scene mechanics required to keep the clan running.
These roles are voted upon by the current admin team mentioned below. The attributes we look for in clannies are
listed in the following post
. The clannie needs to be active and possess a vast working knowledge of the clans roles, rules and expectations. Being an existing clannie for 1 year in advantageous.
All of the admin team are on the look out for clan mates who have leadership potential.
Responsible for collation of
Brownie Points
, awarding ranks, recruiting and the general day-to day running's of the clan. Major instigator of a game of cards against humanity!
Liru, Jerrik, FelStorm, Pixel Barbie, Daemonhein
Responsible for helping new clan mates feel at home and ensuring clan chat is troll free. Ensuring avatars are out for clannies use. Major instigator of all thing rs and xp gains. Liru's knowledge on the game is an asset in this area.
Tezenthegr8, Disparage, Won-Tola, Bioniclexx55
Responsible for having a wonderful holiday, cannot wait for you to be back.
Responsible for keeping the clan/discord chats going, and ensuring that actions causing drama are death with swiftly.