

Quick find code: 290-291-292-66020759

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Requirements to join the United Vanguards


As a young growing clan we have no requirements for you to join us except a wish to meet new friends and enjoy clan life. As building our citadel and capping requirements are factored not by the number of p2p members but the total number of clan mates at this time we can only invite p2p members. We have no xp or combat level requirements. Old School players are welcome but they cannot join in clan chat from old school worlds or gain xp from the avatars. We understand that many players have "mains " and that these other accounts maybe in another clan. But please be respectful of both clans & should you be an admin or above in another clan please dont ask to join us on your other account.

Please make sure you have added me Scarlet Imp to your friends list so I can pm you if necessary.

Occasionally we do a clan activity clean up, this removes anyone who hasn’t been active or gained much xp since they joined the clan & moved into f2p. While this appears to lower our clan size it also helps us with the citadel building & rescources.


06-Apr-2018 04:45:31 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 23:47:44 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Application Form

Our clan chat is locked to any guesting to keep our clan chat safe.
Please private message Scarlet Imp if you would like to guest in our clan chat.
Our clan citadel is also locked to guests.

06-Apr-2018 04:46:04 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 23:49:31 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ranking as a Vanguard


Here in the Vanguards we are attempting to create a unique ranking system that is accessible to all members, that does not rely on you grinding out huge amounts of weekly xp, attending events or recruiting instead of just playing the game you enjoy
We acknowledge that we do not all play in the same way, some are able to play 24/7 others only maybe a precious hour a week, either way we feel it fair to create a ranking system that allows you all to achieve some rank if you so desire. Once again not all of us wish to have the burden of responsibility & sit happily just as a clan mate & that is just fine as well.

So how to achieve your rankings:

Ranking as a vanguard - We aim to be open, fair & have a realistic time frame, once you have consistently proven that you are capable of representing your clan in a mature & motivated way.
If you wish to gain rank above General then you will have to show consistent work within the clan, offer to host & attend events, loyalty, helping the clan to grow & general positive attitudes within the clan, be active in clan chat & helpful. Sometimes real life takes over & you become inactive for a while. If this happens, we may have to lower your rank until your return but cannot promise there will be a vacant spot to reinstate you as soon as you return.
Although there are no set requirements to gain Admin or above these are usually members who have worked hard & shown they have the qualities I look for in my Leadership Team. These ranks are limited so although you may meet all we are looking for you may not be offered rank as those positions may be already filled. The final part will be a vote from the current Leadership Team.


06-Apr-2018 04:46:28 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 09:33:51 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

If you would like to be considered to become part of the leadership for your clan please pm Scarlet Imp.
Ranks of Admin & above will be considered “Leadership Roles “& will be offered to trusted clan members who have shown their interest in becoming role models within the clan, wish to take on some responsibility within the clan, taking on one or more of the clan job areas & are motivated to help the clan grow & have demonstrated to me their respect , trust & loyalty for all leaders & clan members alike. Rank above general requires you to cap fully each week that you gain xp. Not capping as a admin will result in your admin rank being removed without notice as it is part of your responsibility to show an example & to be fair to those waiting to gain rank.
As we grow, we hope to have clan ambassadors leading areas within the clan. i.e. Mini games, bossing, skilling, mentoring & running clan challenges.

**Admin== small council
**Organiser to Deps == leadership rank
** Combined ==grand council
Each member of small council & leadership will carry 1 vote each. Our founding members also retain their voting rights.

Clan Rank Requirements

Recruit to General
Settle into the clan
Needs to cap on correct amounts to gain weekly rank
Follow all rules
Activity in clan chat
Join in some clan events
Respect all higher ranks when asked to keep clan chat PG or drop a conversation topic


06-Apr-2018 04:46:46 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 10:49:12 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

ADMIN. ( there will only ever be a max of 10 admins at any time ) So to be fair to those hoping for ranks any admin not able to fulfil their requirements will be ranked back to general. This rank requires you to cap fully each week you gain up, following the clans weekly listed requirements or sometimes we ask you to help us balance the build needs. To be loyal & trustworthy, active in clan chat & helping to keep the chat pg. at all times. To run citadel tours when asked and attend ALL clan events if you are logged in, this includes clan meetings, random events if you have the required levels to join in. Should you lose members holding an admin rank we will not kick you from the clan but we will have to lower your rank to general.
All of the above plus run 1 regular planned weekly event for the clan.


06-Apr-2018 04:47:00 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 10:18:26 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Co-ordinator & Organiser

All of the above
Working closely with clanmates
Mentoring clanmates
Helping me run the clan
Be involved with clan votes
Help run clan events & attend when logged in
Help with any clan disputes or mediation.

Overseer and Deputy Owner

These are the most trusted ranks positions offered to those clan mates who have shown outstanding dedication & loyalty to both Scarlet & the clan. My deputies are an extension of myself. They have my best interests & the clan & as such are not only great clan deputies but also great personal friends of mine.
Over an extended time they have proven themselves to be team players in every sense putting the clan before their own personal gain.

Everyone holding rank at admin & above are expected to cap weekly if you are active (gaining xp) failure to cap WILL result in you losing rank.

As Clan Leader I reserve the right to occasionally appoint a new clan mate to an instantly high ranked position, please do not view this as favouritism but it is done with the intention of bettering the clan in some way. If this happens & it bothers you then please talk to me & I will be happy to explain my reasons to you.


06-Apr-2018 04:47:13 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 23:51:49 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



All the way from the clan owner, down to our recruits, there are no exceptions to these rules. Regardless of what you have done for the clan, no one exists above the standard we have set for ourselves. Anyone holding Admin & above ranks will need to cap weekly. If you are gaining xp then you have time to cap, there will be no further warnings, anyone in these ranks will be demoted if you do not complete your cap. (losing a star on your cape shows us that you have no

1/ We uphold all Jagex Rules.

2/ Keep the clan chat drama free, we all play to enjoy some game time, not to be involved in drama.

3/ Be respectful of every member & their viewpoints. Do not discuss sensitive & potentially divisive issues in clan chat such as politics, religion, racism, illegal topics, drugs, adult content, etc. as we may have younger clan mates, use your pm if you really feel the need to discuss these topics. Being asked to change any subject means STOP.

4/ NO bragging, while we celebrate your achievements remember we are all equal, we just all choose the play the game in different ways.

5/ Remember behind every pixel character is a real person sitting at their keyboard, be aware how your words & actions affect others, along with reflecting on the clan as a whole, before sharing them in Public Clan Chat.

6/ If your game behavior is not representing the clan in a good way, leadership may hold a vote resulting in a warning or asking you to leave the clan.

7/ Please understand that not everything in the clan chat is about you, different players have different interests & while we aim to keep the chat general & if you don't want to be a part of a certain conversation then just leave chat for a few minutes.


06-Apr-2018 04:47:48 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 23:45:01 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
8/ No botting, you are welcome to sit in clan chat & not be active, but when messaged by Leadership clan mate please answer, otherwise we will track you down in game, message you once in public chat if you still do not answer we will assume you are botting & will kick you immediately. We hold clan stat sheets on all clan members showing xp gain & hours played etc.

. 9/ No account sharing. While this is breaking a Jagex rule it is also very dishonest letting your clanmates think they are talking to the same person when in effect it is different people playing.

10/ Do not beg or ask to lend items. Trust trades even among clan mates rarely end well.

11/ remember to be patient we all don’t find the same things easy or interesting so try to be helpful within the clan chat at all times.

12/ HAVE FUN and eat lots of chocolate.

Our clan chat is kept within a PG content. No non PG innuendo will be tolerated.


08-Apr-2018 13:54:08 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 10:40:57 by Scarlet Imp

Scarlet Imp
May Member 2006

Scarlet Imp

Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Clan Avatars August 1st update


AVATARS: August 1st updates.
Some important facts about this new clan update but may change as we get a better understanding
Every clanmate can now choose to hold their own avvy but its not needed to benefit from the bonus as long as you activate your WEEKLY buff.
No more collecting orts! you will be able to collect your own avvy & activate your weekly buff using the avvy control stone which is next to the pond. Orts have been exchanged for “boosters” When used it doubles the rate you gain resource & xp while training ONLY within the clan citadel.
Your personal avvy lives in your follower pet home on your interface which u can use at any time as long as the clan has an active avvy pond & YOU have activated your weekly buff. To keep & gain the bonus xp from your personal avvy you have to earn FEALTY by capping in our citadel. Please use the plots with the amounts we ask for each week so we can build our clan home & more skill plots as fast as possible.
Each clan mate can choose to use the skill plot gain & then swap to xp boost during the 7days
10% increased resource gain from skill plots that will increase up to 50% with full fealty (3 stars on your cape) INSIDE THE CITADEL ONLY.
Base xp boost of 3% that increases with clan fealty (clan fealty is when u cap gathering 900 resources from the skill plots thus gaining stars on your clan cap) this 3% will increase to an extra 3% with each star gained to 3 stars. OUTSIDE THE CITADEL
Clan fealty has been dropped to 900 resources while our overall cap will stay the same & take only around 30mins to complete, as a group its even faster & more xp. Our clan overall cap is game set for amounts to build our tiers & other skill plots.



18-Apr-2018 05:22:21 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2019 10:01:14 by Scarlet Imp

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