RuneScape Username:
Vitamin Rhy*
What are you looking for in a RuneScape clan?
A laid-back social atmosphere to accompany skilling
What are your interests in the game?
Skilling, killing time
What is your favorite thing to do on RuneScape?
I love the grind
What is your favorite skill?
Ranged at the moment
What is your favorite boss to kill?
Haven't got to bossing much at the moment so I'm not sure
What is your total level?
Currently 1238, only started a month or so ago though!
Will you be using the Citadel, if so how often? (this will not be held
against you).
I'm not sure
Would you able to bump the forums? (this will not be held against you).
In my spare time, of course
Will you be mature and keep to the friendly environment?
04-Jan-2016 20:23:14