Preferred name:
Akali or Akalisama is what I usually go by (yes, from League of Legends)
Total level:
473 (CB: 44)
Time zone:
What is your current goal?:
I have played before, but never completed all quests before. I started a new character and am using the wiki guide for best order of quests to go in and I am leveling skills based off the needs for those quests.
Have you been in a clan before?:
Yes, but it's been a long time since I last played and it was on a different account.
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?:
At least a year I think since I last played, but I am not positive.
How did you find us?:
There is no one standing around the GE recruiting on the recruitment worlds so I just started googling and found the forums hahaha.
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
I'm super chill and mostly just gonna be doing my own thing questing away, but would enjoy being able to actually talk with other human beings instead of just tabbing back and forth between wiki and the client lol.
08-Mar-2023 19:20:38