Preferred name: Matt is fine, or my rsn is cool too
Total level: 165
Time zone: West Coast, USA. PST or PDT
What is your current goal?: Just getting back into rs3 on a new account. Wanting to get a feel of the game from the start, so questing and leveling is definitely my go to goal
Have you been in a clan before?: On a previous account yes. On here, no
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: it's been a couple of years I believe
How did you find us?: Forums
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
I know I'm a lower total level, but I have quite a bit of free time right now, so I'll gain it quick. I'm typically an osrs player but have maxed my RS3 main several years ago. I'm ignorant on RS3 content, but very willing to check out guides and wiki before spamming 1000 questions asking others, although I do seek help and stay active in cc, as I believe that's what being social really means