Runescape Name: Exizted
Preferred Name: Exizted
Timezone: EST
P2P or F2P: P2P
Total level: 2482
What do you enjoy doing most in game?: Slayer/PvM
What is your current goal in Runescape?: Noxious weapons & t80 gear for each combat style
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?: It has been a few years since I have participated in clan citadels. Help you be appreciated.
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention): Forums
Do you agree to our rules?: Yes
What rule is most important to you, and why?: Respect, because I would like to learn an environment of tolerance and a safe place to play the game while enjoying communicating with like minded people.
Any additional comments about yourself?: I'd really enjoy a clan that had like minded people who would assist me in returning to the game after a break (while playing OSRS). I've been back for nearly a month and am ready to now join a clan and make friends.
29-Jun-2020 02:20:00