Runescape Name: ARG0N
Preferred Name: Argon
Timezone: EDT
P2P or F2P: P2P
Total level: 2206, 128 combat
What do you enjoy doing most in game?: Treasure trails
What is your current goal in Runescape?: Improve my combat skills & equipment so I can get into bossing
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?: I am familiar with citadels and have no issue with capping weekly
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention): Active forum thread
Do you agree to our rules?: Yes, of course
What rule is most important to you, and why?: Respect. It's important for clan members to respect each other and get along well as a community
Any additional comments about yourself?: I've had this account/character for over 10 years, figure it is time to max out more than 1 skill