Runescape Name: CelticFox15
Preferred Name: CleticFox15
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time
P2P or F2P: P2P
Total level: 1449
What do you enjoy doing most in game?: Skilling and questing
What is your current goal in Runescape?: To relearn the game, new combat system, and to eventually start bossing
Are you familiar with clan citadels, and would you like to help?: im a returning player after a long break so i want to learn the new clan system and yes i will contribute.
How did you find us? (referral, forums, vex, divine intervention): Browsing the forums
Do you agree to our rules?: I do
What rule is most important to you, and why?: Appropriate behavior because for things to run smoothly in a clan we all need to get along and act like adults.
Any additional comments about yourself?: I made my account in 2007 ( if i remember right ) and stopped playing shortly after dungeoneering was added. I recently started playing again and i find myself falling back into the game heavily so ill be on most days to contribute to the clan. I can be pretty active in the chats most of the time since i do a lot of skilling and training, and i cant wait to learn all the new mechanics added since i last played.
08-May-2020 03:49:17