1. What is your RSN?
2. How did you hear about us?
Mentioned on reddit when I was looking for CCs with queer folks.
3. What is your reason for joining?
Looking for a space where I can play with other queer folks and maybe learn activities with like bossing, mini games etc.
4. Do you play RS3, OSRS, or both?
5. Do you agree to follow all of our rules?
6. Tell us about yourself!(optional)
Feel free to PM me.
2. How did you hear about us? Recently I started playing Runecape again and was wondering if there were any LGBTQ+ scapers out there and stumpled upon this forum.
3. What is your reason for joining? I would like to join this clan to get to make some friends who are apart of my community. Finding some PvM buddies would be really cool too!
4. Do you play RS3, OSRS, or both? Only OSRS
5. Do you agree to follow all of our rules? Yes
6. Tell us about yourself!(optional) My name is Christian and I'm currently in college as a psych major. I love creating art on my spare time as well as doing yoga and working out.
3. What is your reason for joining?
I dont have many friend and it would be cool to have friends gamers and in the community
4. Do you play RS3, OSRS, or both?
RS3 mostly, rarely OSRS
5. Do you agree to follow all of our rules?
Respect is the path to the peace
6. Tell us about yourself!(optional)
I adore videogames, so everything about videogame but most xbox
Have one tattoo, balance between mind and body is fundamental so i really like training too