1. What is your RSN?
Proly Tariat
2. How did you hear about us?
3. What is your reason for joining?
I've dealt with fragile cis-het folks/reactionaries throwing around slurs in every clan I've tried. Not interested in that being a part of my rs experience.
4. Do you play RS3, OSRS, or both?
OSRS, I have an RS3 account but I'd only play to join friends
5. Do you agree to follow all of our rules?
6. Tell us about yourself!(optional)
Non-binary [they/them] musician. RS helps me cope with the troubles of life. Excited to like-minded people!
Skiller, not a killer. #04veteran and #contentjunkie
Quest Cape: 85 Combat, Music Cape: 90 Combat, Diary Cape: 100 Combat
Check out my clan, Left Scape, for commie madness/dunking on Elon Musk.
24-Jan-2020 20:32:49