Please make sure you have your pms on and you can always join guest chat for a quick invite!
Anyone can help you out
Clan chat channel tab (Yellow person with a cog)
Bottom right corner, 3 colored dots, click green dot
Bottom left speech bubble with a plus sign, click it
Type Adoughment
General/Background (mandatory)
-»¦RSN: ChelseaMandy
-»¦Have you read and understood all our regulations?: Yes
-»¦How did you hear about us?: Recruitment Forum
-»¦Have you been in a clan before?: No
Iron/HCIM section (leave blank if not applicable)
-»¦Do you have a main/non-ironman: Y
-»¦If yes, RSN of main/non-ironman: ChelseaMandy
-»¦Is your main account in the clan?: Y
-»¦Additional comment (opt): I have not been in a Clan before so may be a little unclear of what to do, but I'm a quick learner!!!