Username: Veiny Boii
Preferred Name: Shirley
Do you agree to follow all clan rules and Jagex rules?: I double phats in wildy so no
Did someone refer you to us? If so who: Someone named Samara or Samuela
If no one referred you, how did you find out about us?: I googled clans with sexy leaders
What timezone are you in?: Best coast
Which country are you from?: US
Total Level: Maxed
What activities do you enjoy doing the most (skilling/bossing/questing)?: Bankstanding
Do you see yourself interested in clan leadership? If so, in which job?: Hell no
What type of clan events would you enjoy going to?: Pking events
Do you have any goals you’re working on? If so, what are they?: Leech a Solak kill
Is there anything else you want us to know about you?: I was phone
11-Dec-2018 06:30:09
- Last edited on
11-Dec-2018 06:33:04
El Vein