Username: plsgodhelpme
Preferred Name: Ford
Do you agree to follow all clan rules and Jagex rules?: of course
Did someone refer you to us? If so who: nope
If no one referred you, how did you find out about us?: Searching the forums
What timezone are you in?: CST
Which country are you from?: USA
Total Level: 2251
What activities do you enjoy doing the most (skilling/bossing/questing)?: Skilling and Questing
Do you see yourself interested in clan leadership? If so, in which job?: Not particularly
What type of clan events would you enjoy going to?: Pretty much anything, never played socially so looking to try some new stuff.
Do you have any goals you’re working on? If so, what are they?: Get 99 slayer and complete all quests.
Is there anything else you want us to know about you?: I stopped playing about the time EoC was released, and started back recently. Trying to become more familiar with the current game, and looking to find people to play with.
29-May-2018 06:34:59