Everybody is welcome in Ouija!
We have been around for a while and are currently rebuilding after our old leaders stopped playing the game. Ouija's members are all very friendly and ready to help out or just chat if that's what you're looking for. We really mean everyone is welcome! We are Main, Iron and HC Iron, Pure, Skiller, PVM, Questing friendly! However you want to play the game, you are free to do so in our clan. We have no hard requirements to join, visiting and capping at the citadel isn't required but it is always appreciated and is a good way to move up in the clan if you are interested in an admin position later on!
If you aren't sure if Ouija is a good fit for you, feel free to guest in our clan for as long as you need to and get to know people and see how it goes! We have guests in our chat from other clans who hop in every now and then. There's no pressure, if you don't want to join us today, you are always welcome back tomorrow! If you join another clan you but you enjoyed the social aspect of our clan, keep on guesting and we even have guests in our Discord if they request it.
What we offer
First of all, Ouija is a community based clan and always has been. We offer opportunities for players to get to know each other and be social. If you are having trouble with content, someone in the clan is always ready to help.
We are planning to host Mass PVM and Minigame events and Drop Parties once we we get the clan more active again.
We have an active Discord where you can show off your achievements, find players for group content, voice chat, stay up to date on events and updates and suggest ideas to make the clan more fun and inviting for everyone.
If you get a 99 or a drop, you can bet that a swarm of gz, Gratz and gzzzzzz are on the way. Which is the most important reason to join a clan!
I am the milk man.
My milk is delicious.
11-Nov-2023 21:50:35
- Last edited on
18-Nov-2023 17:30:48