<---- That Guy's Application.
1. What is your preferred name?
I generally prefer my display name, Harak is fine and distinctive enough to grab my attention.
2. What is your age and time zone?
I'm 27, in Eastern standard.
3. What are your current goals and how often are you online? The game is a bit odd. I have a million things to do, but little drive or ambition. I'm working towards 99 archeology, simply to regain my Max Cape. Aside from that, I play as the mood strikes me- having people around to play with certainly helps to keep me active. I like making outfits if I can, helping others out in general, and generally killing things in game.
4. How important are rank-ups to you? They'll happen, I'm not worried by it. I'll state here that responsibility for others is not something I desire. I'll help if possible, but I prefer getting guidance rather than giving it.
5. How did you find us? Happened across the forum post here after giving the recruitment forums a look- I need a group.
6. Do you want an invite to our Discord? Perhaps. Hit me up ingame for my ID
01-Aug-2020 22:25:36