1. What is your preferred name? Well I recently changed my name, so... you can call me what ever you wish. I currently play two account, FSN Ataraxia my main, and this one . Btw The Ataraxia is coincidental, It happens to be part of the name of one of my favorite Visual Novels (Fate Hollow Ataraxia).
2. What is your age and time zone? 30 years young , Est (GMT-5).
3. What are your current goals and how often are you online? I'm usually on everyday if just to do my dailies. My main goal atm is buying up 120 herby very slow in the G.E. and also Maxing this account.
4. How important are rank-ups to you? Eh, i'm just here to have fun.
5. How did you find us? Surfing the forums for a new clan.
6. Do you want an invite to our Discord? Sure.
15-Jul-2020 00:34:59