1. What do you like doing most on RuneScape?
- PvM and Questing.
2. What ingame accomplishments are you most proud of?
-Not much yet, but I am sure I will have many accomplishments to be proud of with TUO!!
3. Clan events are at 9pm EST. Do you think this time will work for your schedule?
- That time is absolutely perfect.
4. What do you look forward to after joining TUO, if you are accepted?
- Group activites in general. I've never really grouped or clanned in RS.
5. Do you plan on being active in the clan chat?
-Absolutely, I've been looking for people to play RS with and this clan really caught my eye. I love the structure.
6. Do you agree to keep all drama out of the clan chat and keep things mature?
- Yes, plain and simple.
7. How did you find our clan, did someone recruit you?
- I had been looking for people to play with so I looked and found this clan on the community clans forum.
29-Aug-2021 02:30:24