Hello! I'm applying by a referral from Devil Kat...
Application answers:
1. I don't have a favorite thing to do, but i've been trying to do more bossing lately
2. I'm most proud of getting all my skills to as high as 92 in each
3. I live in michigan and usually home by 7pm... 9pm shouldn't be an issue if i know ahead of time!
4. Learning about other skills and bossing. Making new friends
5. I will be active as much as possible. I can put discord on my phone as well so there will always be contact with me.
6. Drama is overrated. I rather not deal with anymore of that than I have to in the real world already. Runescape is my escape
7. I found Devil Kat hanging out in Priff with the vex... just so happened to be the exact time I put some thought into joining a clan!
07-Mar-2022 03:26:44