RSN: Need Friendz
Past RSN's: Killsin136
Timezone: Central
1) How did you hear of our clan? Who referred you?
2) What are your current goals of RS?
Get my comp back, 120 fletching, 120 slayer
3) Past Clans:
OAR, Incision, Deeps or Die
4) Why did you leave the most recent?
Elitists started getting on my nerves
5) Have you ever been kicked/banned from a clan? If so, why?
6) Do you agree to keep to our rules of the clan? What about the rule of not swearing in the Clan Chat?
I do agree with the rules to prevent drama, and I will try to avoid swearing in the clan (I got used to it in previous clans)
7) What type of events do you enjoy attending?
PvM mostly
8) We have a teamspeak, while it's not mandatory, would you be willing to join?
9) We use clan forums for any information concerning clan events, competitions, or other info concerning the clan. Do you know how to navigate to clan forums?
Yes I do
10) What are your expectations in joining TUC?
Avoiding drama and being able to find PvM teams for raids and such. I know it's not a PvM clan but I'm just assuming there will be teams made. If not, I can always use FCs.
11) What best describes you as an RS player? Skiller, Dg, PVM, PVP, Social, or combination of?
A combination of skilling and PvM. I don't do most higher level PvM like Vorago or Araxxor for the most part but I'm attempting to learn.
12) Best time to contact you for invite? Post the time you are usually online:
Pretty much any time from noon-midnight most nights (central time of course)