If you are a P2P skiller looking for a clan, visit our clan chat. If you like what you hear, please feel free to copy paste the application below and someone will approve it and get you invited to our clan!
Thank you for considering taking a Serene Flight,
The knite
1. 2351/combat level 133
2. my favorite skill is slayer
3. trying to get a higher dungeoneering level
4. my nickname is butcher because everyone thought that would be my job later in life
5. Do the clan rules make sense and do you sir/ma'am understand why they're enforced? yes
6. Can bump this clan thread? sure
7. Will you cap in the citadel (produce the maximum amount of resources you can), or are you interested in other skills? im up for anything im an all round player
8. What is the Mystery Phrase under our Rules Sections, to verify you truly read it? no trolls allowed
Sign your name here; __________slimeh1989_______________