1. Total level/Combat level?- 2689 total/138 Combat
2. What is your favorite skill in Runescape?- Fishing for sure next closest maybe Slayer
3. What are your current goals at the moment?- 120 Smithing is my next 120 i am aiming for.
4. Tell us something interesting about yourself?- Started playing way back when it was just starting up, enjoyed it for the most part ever since.
5. Do the clan rules make sense and do you sir/ma'am understand why they're enforced?- Yes, sure do
6. Can bump this clan thread? - Yes sure can
7. Will you cap in the citadel (produce the maximum amount of resources you can), or are you interested in other skills? - Yes i actually don't mind capping at all.
8. What is the Mystery Phrase under our Rules Sections, to verify you truly read it? "no trolls allowed"