Total level?
Completed Plague's End? (We will be conducting clan invites through Prifddinas)
Your location and/or timezone?
Belgium GMT+1
Do you have/are willing to download and use Discord?
(NOTE: Discord is not Mandatory, but it helps keep clan-mates up-to-date with current happenings)
What are your current long-term goals?
I recently returned to the game after a 2 year break at the end of last year and recently got comp back. Currently I'm getting back into PvM figuring out what exact goals I want to set for myself. But overall I'm looking to get back into a position where I have BiS gear and can afford the odd 120 during bonus exp weekends.
Other than that there are a few specific pets/120's/200M's I want to go for.
Do you do a lot of PvM? If so, which activity or boss(es) do you enjoy most?
I've only recently gotten back into PvM but I'm planning to do quite a bit of it, as of now it's been limited to Araxxor, GWD2 and reaper tasks but I'm looking to get into Telos, AOD and Raids. Currently Araxxor would be my favourite if I had to pick one.
Referral or anything else of note?
13-Apr-2018 22:24:47