Game Based:
1) What is your runescape name? [b]Topher1128[/b]
2) How long have you been playing RS? [b]4 years[/b]
3) Do you have any set goals in the game? [b]Buy bonds for membership main goals and to level up my character[/b]
4) Are you primarily skill or combat oriented? [b]Skilling[/b]
5) What is your total level? [b]470[/b]
6) What is your highest skill and its level? [b]Woodcutting 57[/b]
7) Who recruited you to RSST? If no one, how did you find us?: Found on RS3 forum
8) Are you a mature player? [b]Yes[/b]
9) What time zone do you live in?[b]CST[/b]
10) What are the most frequent times you are in game? [b]6 PM [/b]
Clan Based:
11) What other clans have you been a member of? none
12) Why are you no longer a member of the clan(s)?N/A
13) How long has it been since you left your last clan?N/A
14) Are you currently a member of any clan, and which one?N/A
15) Have you read the clan rules and expectations? [b]Yes[/b]
16) Do you understand that you must be logged into clan chat most of the time you are online? [b]Yes I understand[/b]
17) Do you understand that you must register on our off-site clan forums, read them regularly, and post occasionally? [b]Yes I read that part too.[/b]
18) Do you understand that we are a profanity-free clan? [b]Perfect Group for me, yes[/b]
19) Are you willing to contribute to the efforts of others? I[b]'m not sure, if this has to do with the citadel or to do with trading. For trading, Yes. As for the citadel, I know nothing about.[/b]
20) Are you willing to contribute your own tips and hints? [b]I would say no since I'm still new, I wouldn't be of much help.[/b]
21) What is your favorite thing to do in RS? [b]working to earn coins[/b]
22) Anything else you would like for us to know about you? [b]I'm a chill person that isn't competitive in this type of game, So I like to skill up my levels and relax while doing it. I'm in my 30's and open to grind out raw materials and sell to the clan if not GE it will go
07-Apr-2021 21:52:17