Preferred name:
Total level:
Time zone:
What is your current goal?:
Max Cape, then who knows, probably 120 all for fun.
Have you been in a clan before?:
Yes, Special on my main.
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?:
>1 year, due to military obligations I was unable to remain in the clan. (I've since left the military so I have nothing keeping me from being active.)
How did you find us?:
Searching the forums for a friendly, chill, and active clan on RS3 to help get myself back into the game smoothly and motivate me to stick with my end goals.
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
Always felt the clan community within Runescape as a whole as being vital to the game's survival, I can say when I was in Special, it motivated me to better myself and gave me a sense of purpose in the game rather than just maxing and soloing content which is boring (and much of the reason I'm taking a break from Oldschool).