Runescape Name: Chulia
Total Level: 2020
Combat Level: 175
Will You Help Out In The Citadel?: Yes, of course.
Average Runescape Playing Time Per Week: No idea! A decent amount, though.
About Yourself: I'm a really awkward shy teenager with no friends. But I'm trying to get 99 dungeoneering :')
Any Other Info: I've never really done any of the events that were listed.
Runescape Name: Nezquik
Total Level: 1950
Combat Level: 194
Will You Help Out In The Citadel? : would love to, but ive never seen or been to a citadel so and explanation would be awesome
Average Runescape Playing Time Per Week: Varies because of me finishing my senior year in high school
About Yourself: 18 year old with a girlfriend, drive a dodge charger, runescape for fun! love meeting new people, funny guy, avid golfer