Name/Nickname: Heeheehoo
What’s your skill total level? 2255 (118,924,418exp at the time of post)
What time zone are you in? gmt+2
What's your current goal? Woodcutting skillcape, then another cape and another...
How did you find us? Forum, under skiller clans
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? (Optional) I propably would have a 15 year veteran cape if they would create one, "Hither came Heeheehoo the barbarian, anvil and hammer in his hands, screaming "Anvil!", and eternally yearning for that smithing skillcape through GRINDING!" -(got mining skillcape, and had questcape for a brief moment years ago). Was ages ago a temp clan leader with a wiccan. We had weekly skilling events. Bad at combat now, since for some reason lag to server is 1 sec per action, any advice on that?
"Dada is dead, long live the Dada!"
09-Jun-2017 16:08:26