Name/Nickname: demondrago21 (will change soon)
What’s your skill total level? 2008
What time zone are you in? -5 EST
What's your current goal? Learn RS3
How did you find us? Forums; most organized and established clan introduction.
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? I am a near 13 year veteran of the game. I just returned this weekend after 5 or so years of not playing at all. I do not recognize the game, the equipment, the new skills, or the combat system. Everything will be a giant learning curve hence my aspiration to join a clan to have others to bond with while I find out what I will actually enjoy doing. I am an older and mature player. I will purchase membership this week, too. I do not care for PvP but I enjoy skilling, slayer, and bosses.
14-Aug-2017 00:40:56