1. RuneScape Name: Gte
2. Total/Combat lvl:2736(3016)/138CMBT
3. Are you an Adult 18+(Y or N)?:Yes
4. What time zone are you in?:Gmt+0
5. Have you read and agree with all of our clan rules?:Yes
6. Are you F2P or P2P: P2P
7. Have you been in any clans before? If so what were they called, and what was your rank within them?: Yes i was in zer0 for a long time and i was a cordinator, recently came back from a break.
8. What do you enjoy doing on Runescape?: Skilling mostly and nex solos.
9. Anything else you would like to tell us (optional)?:I like slippers.
Swiggity Swooty
18-Jan-2018 22:38:00