Display name:
You can see this on the left side
Combat Level:
Same as you
Total Level:
2726/2743, by the time you're reading this, most probably 2727/2744 (you slowpoke)
Previous Clan(s):
Do you have to ask?
Do you have any current goals in RuneScape?:
Finish my recently bought 12 months premier club and then we'll see
Do you agree to follow our code of conduct?:
Yes, maybe, definitely.
Do you use Discord?:
Still in yours.... wait... just checked, apparently not anymore (seems someone kicked me for inactivity I suppose,
that noob!
Yes, I use it...
Were you introduced or recruited to the clan by anyone in particular?:
Myself! Woot
Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself?:
Yes, I think I know some people in this clan. Just a hunch though. Might've had some nightmares of some stalker called Cafi?