
Silent Knight Social and Skill

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Mar Member 2007


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Hall of Fame


The one thing that shines through with Jackavitch is how nice and helpful he is. Always willing to drop what he is doing to help a clanmate either with advice, anti crash or just collecting money from them as our clan treasurer.

If IRL gave slayer xp, Jackavitch would be level 120 from killing songs on the SK voice chat karaoke. This had to be included as there is nothing bad that you can say about Jack, even the fact that he is a player mod is not held against him.

A long time clan member, here's looking forward to him being with us for a long time more, the clan would not be the same without him.

-Written by Touseour

+Thy Chow+

Thy Chow is a good friend and talking with him makes you feel like you're his best friend/clan-mate. His sense of humor is what a clan needs in it at some times. He has been there to take time out of his day to spend time with the clan. He is really hard to describe because he's really unique in his own ways but I believe he brings the characteristics of a true, loyal clan-mate that is willing to help out anyone. You just have to show him wolves/dogs howling... He's a sucker for that. But in all seriousness, he was the first person in Silent Knight to make me feel welcomed apart from Jack.

-Written by Ex10


Probably the most loyal member of Silent Knight outside of the Owners. His heart is always in the right place and cares very much about other people whether they be in the clan or not. It's impossible to say a bad word about Mufasa, he's always been helpful and has been a valued member since he joined.

-Written by Jack

of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:47:41 - Last edited on 06-Sep-2020 17:02:59 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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+Bobby 13+

Whilst not currently in the clan, Bobby, for a lot of clan members was the first person they met when joining. Constantly monitoring our recruitment thread accepting and declining recruits and the inviting them in game. They say you only get one chance at a first impression but with Bobby making this impression it could only be good for the clan due to his friendly, helpful and polite nature.

-Written by Touseour


Lindsey is definitely not the epitome of patience nor is she one to hold her tongue, but her qualities of virtue, diligence, and hard work burn bright even in her darkest hours. To say that she has contributed to this clan is a far cry of an understatement. She has not only held the role of 'assist to the Head of PvM' but is also the current Head of PvM and doing a fair job of it. I cannot, nor can I imagine anyone, contesting her effort or the large part she has played in shaping fate of this clan.

-Written by Liyu

+Elder Sand+

Elder Sand, one of the most respected people in the clan to me, if not the most. He always succeeded to keep his head cool, like what was expected. As a true friend/admin of our clan and a true friend of other clans, he had to make the decision to leave us for his real life affairs such as school. When I think of Elder Sand I automatically think of our clan, he was the true Head of Clan Relations, way better than I am. He'll always have my greatest respect and I'd always keep a spot for him in the clan and our heart.

-Written by D e u ce
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:47:56 - Last edited on 06-Sep-2020 17:07:12 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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Many may not remember Sk8erserg, but that's only because he was a member a long time ago. He was around before we were a very large clan. Sk8er was one of our first elected overseers that had been voted in by offsite. He has since returned to the clan.

-Written by Jack


This wonderful woman, she was very helpful, polite and is known to be strict on rule-breakers, one time on mandatory week. 5+ people gave her attitude, called her some naughty words, flamed her, because they refused to cap, but she kept her cool, and showed them who boss, i'm happy to met a cool person such as yourself.

-Written by 581012893402


Ah, where to begin? I've watched this man grow, and transform into the person he is today. I'm proud to have gotten the chance to know Mango. Though not always the most active person, he always knows how to deal with situations. Mango is a very loyal member who continues to prove why he is deserving of hall of fame status. Mango is very patient, and he's capable of being incredibly understanding. Mango has also been extremely helpful with being a dungeoneering leader, as well as helping so many members get 99/120 dungeoneering. He is truly a splendid member.

-Written by no dont stop

+Crazy1 4eva+

Crazy1 4eva was always such a lovely person to talk to. She was somebody who
inspired many and helped anyone who needed it. Though not many may have known
her on a personal level, she always did her best to be kind to each and every person
because she didn't have a mean bone in her body.

-Written by no dont stop
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:48:49 - Last edited on 07-Sep-2020 21:36:51 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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+SK Silent+

SK Silent – the nub who came good (almost). After changing his name from Silent Fail to SK Silent, he was anything but, often the butt of jokes (particularly at the hands of Touseour) he fought back and in doing so his personality shone through.

As the clan muppet (a title he gave himself) Silent quickly grew in popularity and was elected as an Overseer in December 2012, a position he would retain until his urge to try IRL and ESO got the better of him.

Silent can still be found lurking in the depths of the offsite (probably trying to find his way out) and remains a clan friend.

-Written by Touseour


A dedicated leader to those who follow under him, who abides by the rules and is understanding to the circumstances that arise in the clan. Someone who shows respect to those who show respect in return, but not limited to playful banter within reasonable means. A good leader who knows his own limits and is willing to ask for assistance when required.

-Written by Thy Chow


A passionate Co-Leader when it comes to Silent Knight. Her achievements include a myriad of deeds, far too many to list, but well deserved in reputation for them. Thanks to her, the Clan has grown more together thanks to her constant watch over our Off-site.

-Written by Thy Chow


One of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Always calm and willing to help when there is a problem in the clan chat (or even when I'm PMing him silly questions) He's great and very easy to work with. He'll also troll you when you aren't expecting it, he's fun and truly a great person.

-Written by Lindziipie
of Silent Knight
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06-Sep-2020 14:49:03 - Last edited on 06-Sep-2020 17:07:58 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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+Bad VVolf+

A round about character is the best way to describe this person. He has many friends and few enemies, which shows his great charisma especially to the newer recruits. And above all, a hard worker and always strives to improve as a well respected Co-Leader.

-Written by Thy Chow


She always finds a way to put a smile on your face, a tough leader with a colorful personality. She is never afraid to say what was on her mind, an honest, witty, trustworthy, loyal and intelligent person.

-Written by SK Mufasa


Calm and considerate, loyal and understanding. These are just a very small handful of Bling's attributes and qualities but one's he puts to good use as the Clan's conflict resolver. A combination of dedication and friendlyness quickly endeared him to the clan. Holding the honour of being the clan's first completionist there is very little about training skills that Bling cannot tell you. Even during his darkest hours in Runesape, Bling carried on where many others would have quit so for that alone (although there are thousands of other reasons) he has to be respected.

-Written by Touseour


Montiveli who also goes by the name Mike, is a marvelous co-owner. He has always shown incredible devotion to helping clan members out. Mike continues to be an amazing co-owner who is always willing to lend an ear to somebody who needs help, has a problem, or is just feeling down. Mike is a great friend to everyone, and always has amazing advice. Mike is one of the most insightful people I have ever met, and I'm sure that goes for everyone who has got the chance to know this wonderful person.

-Written by no dont stop
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:49:20 - Last edited on 07-Sep-2020 21:37:20 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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+Missy 1 S+

Missy was one of our best Coordinators ever who raised the quality line for others to follow due to her exceptional high standards and dedication. Her recruitment drive on the forums was phenomenal and literally no-one could keep up with her. The love respect and admiration for her was felt warmly by everyone within the clan.

She was my rock and I spent many hours in chat listening to her sound advice and direction in rebuilding the clan to where we are now. Missy was given the first honourable retired admin position and continued to offer her valuable advice.

-Written by Blingothing


Una was a true socialite who brought glamour to the clan turning our discrete Discord site into a high society flamboyant sassy culture club. She instigated the Blingsesh voice channel on a Saturday night where everyone could relax, unwind with a drink or two and party into the small hours. Her quote to me was No executive decision after 10pm Bling!

She also had a very serious side who achieved Overseer rank through our clan elections. Una was professional, proficient and meticulous at everything she did. She created the majority of the templates and terms of reference which are still being used today. Our social team today was born from Una’s legacy.

-Written by Blingothing

+Heavens Soul+

Heavens is one of the most respected people in the clan, his knowledge and willingness to help has made my rs experience a lot easier and I'm sure it is the same for others. his focus of organising events has helped the clan grow as well as the time and effort put in to discord to make it more appealing. Heavens is a huge role model which members look up to.

-Written by Sir Elfy
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:49:41 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2020 06:58:44 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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+Arisk Gud+

Arisk simply will remain Silent Knight first. He became the first member to achieve 5.6 billion XP which was incredible and everyone just had total respect for the man. Legend would have it that he probably had all the pets, achievements and logs first as well. He was the one you went to for advice and how to do it better. However, there was another side to him that you probably didn’t know. He helped revive the clan back in the darkest days of July 2017. Arisk even paid randoms to temporary join to cap at the citadel so that we could make the hard progress to Tier 7 again. In the background he helped with donations. He never wanted the limelight or recognition he just wanted to belong and savour the atmosphere that we all created. He had more respect for the clan than the legacy that was bestowed upon him. That to me is a true reflection of his uniqueness.

-Written by Blingothing

+Nurse Cody+

Cody is simple a legend of the game. Back in the darkest days of Silent Knight in July 2017 he was the shining light that helped rebuild the clan. He has worked with selfless commitment leading from example and training others to emulate his tireless walk. He pretty much mastered everything within the game and was often found perked on the balcony within the Max Guild donned in ‘Ice’ but encased with warmth.
Cody was a Deputy Owner for Silent Knight and was respected by many. Unfortunately, real life takes him away from the game but he will never be forgotten and what he had created will stand firm in many years to come.

-Written by Blingothing
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:50:23 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2023 14:12:00 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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Clare certainly brought a lot of glamour into the clan and organised many clan events such as ‘Tag’, sneaking up on bewildered members and off-loading the diamond jubilee souvenir flag onto them to get rid of again. She successfully captained the winning ‘Dungeoneering Catchphrase’ team and loved putting together ‘Riddle-Me-This’ events, having many a member run around in confusion. Clare not only worked up through the ranks to Overseer but also from Santa’s little elf helper to Mrs Clare Claus in our Christmas events, creating presents from materials found around Gielinor to replicate real life toys. Clare is a dedicated YouTuber often creating quest guides on her channel for the clan and all her followers. There was absolutely nothing that she couldn’t turn her hand to and rightfully deserved her Hall of Fame.

-Written by Blingothing


A larger-than-life character which is something considering that he was 6 foot 7 and his demeanour was as so relaxing making everyone feel at ease listening to his vast amount of knowledge. He had a passion for cooking and Wheezy will always remember the spicy pork chops he made for him and that is a story he would gladly share with you on his beloved voice chat. Castiel is a Silent Knight legend with has a great sense of humour, sometimes naughty but he would always make you laugh with his endless ‘Dad Jokes’. There was a serious side to him also and a valuable Overseer who could always be relied upon for sound advice and guidance.

-Written by Cafi
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:51:09 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2023 14:12:55 by Blingothing

Mar Member 2007


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How could you not fall head over heels in love for him (an actual acrobat too) with his infectious attitude and willingness to help out in any way he could. His perseverance was second to none and he once messaged me ‘Yassssssss, only took me 30 tries haha, who knew I would be so good at failing’. That was his greatest asset his ability to have a go, learn and help to inspire everyone that you will get there in the end! He motivated so many and was the most humane and humble organiser that Silent Knight ever had.

-Written by Blingothing
of Silent Knight
Trimmed Completionist

06-Sep-2020 14:51:39 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2023 14:13:52 by Blingothing

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