º Username: ChilllDown
º Combat Level: 91 (grinding slayer after money making)
º Total level: 1001
º What time zone are you in? +1UTC
º What’s your current goal? Leveling up really and making bank
º Do you have any skillcapes? If so, which? No, I don't
º Which clan events do you enjoy? I don't mind at all actually
º Have you been in a clan before? No, this is the first time
º If so, did you leave or get kicked? Why? -
º Have you read and understood the clan rules? Yes I have
º Will you try to be as active as possible? Yes, I enjoy the game so I will be
º How did you find out about Malicious Intent? I was searching on the forum and saw that this Clan was really professional already by the looks of the post.
º Will you PM one of the people who can invite (listed below) and organize a meeting place to be invited into the clan? Yes I will
º Anything else you would like us to know? There's 1 thing... I just got hacked 1 day ago so I'm low on money at the moment, grinding it out now, I got 4 mil in total now. If you want to know how I got hacked you can go to my profile and go to my post.
Thank you for taking your time.
28-Apr-2017 21:09:50