Please answer as descriptively as possible to increase your chances of acceptance.
1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread? Yes.
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan.
I want to learn skilling and combat(PvM, mostly) from some of the best players in the game. I would feel proud to be in one of the best clans in the game.
3. Would you be interested in joining our TeamSpeak/Discord server? Sure.
4. How many hours do you play per week, on average? About 45-50 hours.
5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in.
I train in divine locations in W2 Burthorpe. After that, I train runecrafting in the abyss, which allow me to not only train the skill but also gain runes which can be sold for money, which can be used to train buyable skills. I go for a farm run to chase for 200M farming. My current goal is to gain 120 Runecrafting, 200M farming, and 200M woodcutting(from divine locations).
6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently?
Expressed in 5.
12-Dec-2017 02:46:18