I don't come on for a few days & look what happens....someone needs to look after you lot, shall I provide the first a** on this new thread?
1. What would you prefer to be called in chat?
As my dad used to say, call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner
2. What are your current total skill and combat levels?
Gimme a sec, let me check (keep a really close eye on things like that) - 2340/123
3. Have you read and understood the clan rules? (Please include our Yes, I read all this! Phrase to confirm this)
Don't tell anyone that your best friend should swat herself.
4. Been in a clan or clans before? Anything we need to know about your experiences there?
Ummmmm......Yes and all you need to know is that Uff will be the best clan owner ever & I start the Uffit licking......
5. Anything else you want to share? anyone for coffee?