What do we you prefer we call you (preferred name)?
Collin is my first name, so I'd prefer to just be called that.
What are your current goals?
After I finish 200m Thieving experience, I was going to work on finishing 120 Slayer and Dungeoneering. I'd like to eventually get the Completionist cape, but that'll be a long time before I can get that.
What is your age?
I'm 20.
How often are you online?
I'm usually online daily, but it can range from several hours to only an hour or so. I work part-time and go to school, so I can't nolife like I used to.
How important are rank-ups to you?
They're semi-important to me. I like the idea of having a leading position in the clan, which I may aspire to achieve one day, but at the moment I'm just interested in climbing the basic ranks over time. A sense of accomplishment, whether it's xp, item drops, or rising the ranks in a clan is important to me, but also isn't the center of my whole world. So yeah, semi-important!
How did you find us?
I was browsing the recruitment section for skilling clans, and I came across this one.
Capping twice a month is required for all members to avoid being swept at the end of the month. Contributing at the citadel at least twice a month means your clan only asks for you to contribute roughly four hours a month to the clan. For those who cap weekly, you will receive ten extra points towards ranking at the end of each month.
Do you understand the citadel requirement and do you agree to abide by it if accepted?
Yes, I agree to the citadel capping requirement.
14-Jan-2018 16:34:44